Hey Youth!
We have heaps of information about what to expect at LifeSource Youth.
Each week our aim is to create a safe environment for young people to come explore a relationship with God, while creating solid friendships and having lots of fun.

Friday Nights:

Each Friday night during the school term, we gather together at LifeSource Christian Church. During our hang time we have lots going on, with things like basketball, volleyball, table tennis and handball, as well as many card games and spots to sit and chill.
Depending on the program that week, we either gather everyone together for a Youth service or we head into separate rooms for our Connect Groups.
Whatever week is it, it is definitely a lot of fun. We are passionate for young people finding a place where they are known and cared about.
Connect Groups:
Connect Groups are small groups of people in similar year to you (Year 7-8, 9-10, 11-12). Each group is run by great leaders who are keen to help young people connect with God and each other.
These small groups are a great time to have relevant discussions, ask any questions, eat food, and have heaps of fun.
All In Nights:
These are our Youth Service nights. Where we gather all ages groups together, to sit under a message. There’s something special when Youth come together to worship God together and experience Him. We often have a big all-in game, followed by worship and hearing a biblical message from one of our leaders.
Invite Nights:

Our Invite Nights are held once a term. The aim of these nights is to create an environment that is easy to bring non-Christian friends to, and experience the fun and community that LSY offer.
Why not check it out for yourself…

Youth runs every Friday during the school term
175 Lower Gibbes Street,
Chatswood, NSW 2067
LSY is run by Esther Benjamin. All our services are fully supervised by trained youth leader and our venue is drug and alcohol free
If you would like more information please contact us via email (youth@lifesource.org.au) or through our church office.