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LifeSource Christian Church exists to bring God and people together.  We do this by raising up a church of passionate people who love God, are growing spiritually and are helping others.

We’re all on a journey of faith with God and its amazing when we take the next step forward. Wherever you are on your journey faith,

we want to help you discover and take your next step.  

Our fourth term of our 2021 Next Steps year begins on Tuesday 19th October 2021 at 7:30pm via Zoom



Does This Sound Like You?  Your faith is very real to you and you would love others to experience Jesus. You are keen to share your faith but don’t want it to be awkward. You’d like some extra teaching and coaching to hear about some tried and tested ways to do this better.  Then this four week course is for you.



The COVID-19 pandemic has caused a measure of grief for all of us. Grief is a part of life, it is inescapable. It is possible for you to navigate this journey well and the other challenges life can throws at us. This four week course will help you with key skills to navigate moments of grief in your own life and also help equip you to help others in their journey too. 

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