LifeSource Community Foodcare is open at 9am on Thursdays
We provide a free bag of fruit, vegetables and bread, and bags of groceries at a set cost of $10.
The parcels are pre-packed and it is not possible, due to high demand, for preferences to be accommodated.
All Community shoppers are asked to register upon arrival at FoodCare to receive their membership card and then to move to the parcel pick up area. We would appreciate those shoppers paying by cash to have the correct amount since no change is given. Payment by debit or credit card is preferred.

The LifeSource Community Care FoodCare Program provides free fruit, vegetables & bread, plus affordable groceries at a low recovery fee currently $10 a parcel.
EFTPOS payment facilities will also be available, if paying by cash, please have exact amount as no change given.
Doors Open 9 am
Last Shopper processed at 12 noon
We are located at:
LifeSource Christian Church
175 Lower Gibbes Street, Chatswood.
To park: enter via Chatswood Business Park.
Public Transport (Bus):
281 or 283 Chatswood to Smith Street.
207 North Sydney to Eastern Valley Way.

Membership* will be available to any low-income earner and holder of a Centrelink benefit card and will cost $2 a year. Registration is completed on the first visit and secondary identification (e.g. a driver’s licence) is required. Eligibility by way of a letter of recommendation from a community agency if there is no CentreLink Card is also accepted.
Membership enables access to
FoodCare on a weekly basis.
Beat The Queues!
Download the registration form, fill it in and bring it with $2 to Community FoodCare.
*Conditions will apply.
Debt Counselling &
Other Services
We offer FoodCare members other types of support and can also make referrals for specialist services, including free Debt Counselling.
Donating financially is a great & cost effective way of supporting Community FoodCare.
All donations over $2 to FoodCare via LifeSource Community Care charity are tax deductible.
For eligibility details and other information please contact us using the Form at the Bottom of the page
We gratefully acknowledge the support & sponsorship of the many
organisations and individuals who contribute towards this
worthwhile cause. We continue to look for sponsors to support
this great new program. Please contact us directly if you can help.